This month we will be featuring real-life stories about the U.S. Air Force as well as a history chronicling nearly a century of U.S. Air Force life.

In Heart of the Storm: My Adventures as a Helicopter Rescue Pilot and Commander by Col. Edward Fleming, the author recounts events during his thirty year career in helicopter rescue. Included in this work are rescue operations from the Halloween Storm of 1991 (The Perfect Storm) and the successful rescue of Dr. Jerri Nielsen from Antarctica.

Alpha Bravo Delta Guide to The U.S. Air Force by Barrett Tillman, an award-winning military historian, is a guide to the fascinating and timely history of this branch of the military, their great air engagements and the amazing aircraft used on those missions. A timeline provides a listing of U.S. Air Force milestones.
I love the theme, but do you have some suggestions that aren't military related?
We have a non-fiction reading list, called "Rave Reviews" that has lots of these type of books on it. I'll leave one for you behind the reference desk. Also, I would recommend "West with the Night" by Beryl Markham, a book we recently discussed in our adult reading group at the library.
Thanks very much.
I read West with the Night some years ago and loved it.
Also thinking of my husband, who loves adventure, even if he has to go to work most days in reality. Ya know, guy stuff. :)) Mountains, seas, spies, barbeque.
One author that I've introduced a lot of men to is Patrick O'Brian. He's great for seafaring adventures.
Yes, he liked Patrick O'Brien, got ALL those books in that series.
Our "Born to Be Wild" blogger (male) is out for a few weeks. However, I can recommend a few authors that our male patrons seem to like. Ken Follett, Elmore Leonard, James Patterson, Nelson DeMille, Tom Clancy, Cormac McCarthy, Robert Parker, Louis Lamour, Lee Child, and Clive Cussler. Also, there are lots of individual non-fiction books encompassing themes that men like. (I have that list waiting for you at the reference desk.)
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