Friday, May 29, 2009

Listen Up!

Sometimes life as a parent can be very hectic and you would like to read but you just can't find the time. Well if you are like me and you find yourself in the car a lot, why not listen to a book on compact disc? Many parents would like to read books on improving their parenting skills, or family dynamics, or helping their children with issues they face. The Riverhead Free Library does have some child rearing audio books and we always welcome requests to order a title on compact disc.
Building Better Families by Matthew Kelly explores important issues such as: What makes a successful parent? and What are the five things children really need? Mr. Kelly gives great examples that can be applied to our daily experience of parenting and family, while at the same time educate us on the broader significance of family for society and our future.

Technology has given children today instant access to everything from information, merchandise and other people. Generation Text by psychologist, Dr. Michael Osit examines the ways in which our children's identities are shaped by the world around them and how with an absence of meaningful barriers between impulse and the ability to act on them, parents can help their children learn to make intelligent choices and manage the overload of technology. Dr. Osit's advice wil help you help your children develop key social skills, a healthy identity, and a sense of purpose and accountability.

Over the past few years Autsim has become the leading disorder affecting children in the United States. Defeat Autism Now (DAN) is a group of pediatricians who have been pioneering therapies and treatments for Autism. It can take over six months to get an appointment with a DAN doctor, so Dr. Jerry Kartizinel and Jenny McCarthy have put together a book titled Healing And Preventing Autism that gives parents all the necessary information about the DAN school of treating Autism. In this audio book Dr. Kartzinel teaches parents how to make simple changes to their child's environment and diet that are safe and easy to try at home. He also explains some of the more advanced therapies tha DAN doctors use, and how to decide whether or not such treatments would benefit your child.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Book Discussion: Riverhead: The Halcyon Years

Local History Event
Saturday, May 30, 2009
10 a.m. thru noon
Stage Room

This year for the popular annual local history program, area resident Judge Thomas M. Stark will help lead a discussion about his book, Riverhead: The Halcyon Years 1861 -1919. Participants will compare and contrast their own past and present experiences in Riverhead with those in the book. The event will be filmed for the library's archives.

Anyone interested may register at the library's Adult Reference Desk where they will also sign a release form giving permission for us to film those attending the event. Refreshments will be served, and everyone is welcome. Riverhead cardholders may pick up or order a copy of the book at the Reference Desk. Join us and bring a friend as we make history together!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Where the Fur Flies

Happy National Pet Week, May 3, 2009!

Pets play a remarkable role in our lives. Their love and endless hours of companionship help improve our health and well being. We as owners can return that favor by making sure their lives are healthy and wonderful. Our collection is so diverse that you are sure to have no problem finding something that will maintain or improve your furry friend's life.

One Nation Under Dog: Adventures In The New World Of Prozac-Popping Puppies, Dog Park Politics, and Organic Pet Food by Michael Schaffer. A researched, jaw-dropping, laugh-out-loud expose of our love affair with the pets in our lives.

Your Older Cat: A Complete Guide To Nutrition, Natural Health Remedies, and Veterinary Care by Susan Easterly. A good book that addresses the special health issues for the aging cat. It has convenient sidebars for quick reference.

The Cage and Aviary Bird Handbook by Tony Tilford. Well-written and useful. It covers purchasing, care, and health issues. A fun book to browse as well as to read.

Practical Horse Massage: Techniques for Loosening and Stretching Muscles by Renate Ettl. Learn the techniques and stretching exercises that will benefit your horse physically. Not only is it fun, but your horse will love you for it!