Building Better Families by Matthew Kelly explores important issues such as: What makes a successful parent? and What are the five things children really need? Mr. Kelly gives great examples that can be applied to our daily experience of parenting and family, while at the same time educate us on the broader significance of family for society and our future.

Over the past few years Autsim has become the leading disorder affecting children in th
e United States. Defeat Autism Now (DAN) is a group of pediatricians who have been pioneering therapies and treatments for Autism. It can take over six months to get an appointment with a DAN doctor, so Dr. Jerry Kartizinel and Jenny McCarthy have put together a book titled Healing And Preventing Autism that gives parents all the necessary information about the DAN school of treating Autism. In this audio book Dr. Kartzinel teaches parents how to make simple changes to their child's environment and diet that are safe and easy to try at home. He also explains some of the more advanced therapies tha DAN doctors use, and how to decide whether or not such treatments would benefit your child.

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