Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Blogging for Books

The Book Stops Here and the Yellow Barn have teamed up! Riverhead Free Library is offering free blog dollars to Riverhead cardholders toward the purchase of books at the Yellow Barn, our on-site book shop. Claiming your blog bucks is simple and fun! All you have to do is register and make one comment on this blog. For more details, ask an adult reference librarian for assistance or pick up a BLOGGING FOR BOOKS brochure at the reference or circulation desks, or by our blog display at the library.

Yellow Barn
Spring Hours
Mondays & Fridays
8:30 a.m. -- 2:00 p.m.
(weather permitting)


Nan Patience said...

This very well may be one of the largest single financial rewards I've gotten from blogging, and I've been doing it since 2006! Your generosity is noted.

Courtesy of the RFL Librarians said...


Come on in and pick up your blog dollars at the Reference Desk. You get a special "bonus" as our first blogger!

Ashley H. said...

The yellow book barn is by far my favorite book store ever! It has a huge selection of books. The staff orginize the books so well by teens, children, sports, biographies..etc. It is also a big help that they put the books in alphabetical order. I love how they are doing this blog and if you post a comment you get blog dollars to purchase books at the book barn. It is just so clever. Thank-you.

The Beakeeper said...

I saw the flier in the library and thought, "What a cool idea"! But I can't believe that there are so few comments so far.