Looking for something otherworldly? Search no further! Here at the library we have a great collection of new and old science fiction flicks that will transport you to far away galaxies.

Starting with the not-so-ordinary,
The Fountain is a smart and enthralling sci-fi story that is heartbreaking and intriguing all at once. Staring Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz, this story of life, death, and love spans over a thousand years.
Zathura is the quasi-sequel to
Jumangi, only this time a magical board game leads to an outer-space adventure. Thrilling and comical, this family movie comes highly recommended.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is a throwback film with the look and feel of vintage 1930s science fiction movies, like
Metropolis and
Buck Rogers. Joe "Sky Captain" Sullivan and beat reporter Polly Perkins are out to save the world from a mad scientist with city-crushing robots.
Last on the list is
Tin Man, a new twist on the
Wizard of Oz original, this sci-fi channel mini-series stars Zoe Daschanel as Dorthoy. The modern day update returns Dorothy back to the land of Oz and on the run from the evil sorceress Azkadellia.