Thursday, March 26, 2009

Born to be Wild

The weather is starting to warm up, so why not get some inspiration from these rugged traveling stories, and go out on your own adventure!

Pico Iyer has no shortage of global travel books. In Sun After Dark: Flights into the Foreign, Iyer delves into some of the most remote and mysterious locales around the world. This collection of essays gives a spiritual and philosophical twist to your standard travel lit.

No stranger when it comes to travel writing, Bill Bryson's In a Sunburned Country recounts his witty adventurs in the scorched outback of Australia. Not content with a standard tour of the Outback, Bryson provides a rich and funny account of Australian history and politics as well.

Ewan McGregor may be a world-renowed actor, but did you also know he's a real life adventurer too! Long Way Round : Chasing Shadows Across the World is the travelogue of McGregor and fellow actor Charley Boorman on a 20,000 mile journey across Europe, Asia, and North America, and all done with two BMW motorcycles. Be sure to also check out the six-hour TV documentary Long Way Round on DVD for more on their journey.

No Horizon Is So Far: Two Women And Their Extraordinary Journey Across Antartica by Liv Arnesen and Ann Bancroft is the true story of the first women's team to trek across the frozen continent. Both women are former teachers chronicling their milestone journey in a very unforgiving landscape that will inspire young and old alike.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In the News

You can't go very far today without seeing a news story about runaway corporate greed. So why not dig a little deeper into the headlines and check out all of these great books we have at the Riverhead Free Library.

Abraham L. Gitlow's Corruption in Corporate America delves into the underlying reasons for corporate greed and the scandals that arise. Examining each aspect of what makes up a corporation and what can and has gone wrong, Gitlow gives examples for stopping the criminal exploits of a greedy company.

Enron is the poster child for of today's major corporations falling by the wayside and going out of business. Bethany McLean exposes the company's bankruptcy scandal in The Smartest Guys in the Room : The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron.

Dangerous Business :The Risks of Globalization for America by Pat Choate takes a hard look at the globalization movement and its impact on U.S. government policies. Arguing against the interdependence and increasing greed of multi-national corporations, Choate's book takes aim at at a lot of the current problems the country is facing.

Jeff Benedict investigates a Supreme Court case involving eminent domain, a low-income neighborhood, and the pharmacy giant Pfizer. Little Pink House: A True Story Of Defiance And Courage details the uphill battle against the town of New London, Connecticut, sighting eminent domain as a justification for bulldozing a small section of the town in order to bring in big business from Pfizer.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Where the Fur Flies

Each day we hear of wonderful stories about human-animal relationships. Nothing can prepare us for the impact animals have in our lives. Below are a few of the true and wonderful human-animal stories that will touch your soul.

The Angel By My Side: The True Story of a Dog Who Saved a Man...and a Man Who Saved a Dog by Michael Lingenfelter & David Frei. Anyone who loves to watch the Westminster dog show on TV will recognize the name David Frei, one of the commentators for the show. His book is about a very special Golden Retriever dog with unique, life-saving talents. "Dakota" was named 1999 Service Dog of the Year by the Delta Society.

Amazing Gracie: A Dog's Tale by Dan Dye & Mark Beckloff. "Gracie" is a deaf and partially blind albino Great Dane with a delicate constitution and a penchant for small miracles. This book was nominated as a Young Adult Choice for 2002. "Gracie" also inspired owners Dan & Mark to start the bakery known as 'Three Dog Bakery'.

Wildlife can also teach us so much about life. Wesley the Owl: The Remarkable Love Story of an Owl and His Girl by Stacey O'Brien. Stacey was a student biologist who worked with owls. "Wesley" came into her life as a four-day-old barn owl. A very educational, captivating, loving story. A must read for all ages.
Enslaved By Ducks: How One Man Went from Head of the Household to Bottom of the Pecking Order by Bob Tarte. If you ever thought about caring for many animals, this is the book for you! You will find it useful and even have second thoughts about how many animals your really, really need or want. Owners will chuckle at the many situations presented, and pet owners will identify with them.
Beagle at large! Mornings with Barney: The True Story of an Extraordinary Beagle by Dick Wolfsie. I enjoyed this immensely! It was comical and so true for anyone who has ever owned a hound. This little beagle brought so much joy, happiness, and fun to a small town in Indiana.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Book Discussion

The Lace Reader
by Brunonia Barry

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
7 p.m.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
2 p.m.

Please join us to discuss this fascinating story, steeped in mystery and the paranormal, and narrated by the main character, who is mentally ill. The misty place between fact and fiction will be explored in Barry's first original adult novel, set in Salem, Massachusetts, where lobstermen, witches, and tourists all add to the mix for a rich and rewarding read.