Will Steger with Paul Schurke explains how in 1986 the Steger International Polar Expedition set out with no resupply of equipment or supplies to prove the heavily debated question of whether Robert Peary reached the Pole in 1909 in a similar manner.
Here we have another North Pole adventure: Across the Top of the World: To the North Pole by Sled, Balloon, Airplane and Nuclear Icebreaker. This one took place in 1991 aboard the Soviet nuclear-powered icebreaker Sovetskiy Soyuz. This adventure traces the routes of such explorers as Dr. Frederick Cook, Admiral Robert Peary, Admiral Byrd, Sir John Franklin, George Nares, and others who launched their own treacherous expeditions.
Sara Wheeler's book entitled Terra Incognita:Travels in Antarctica tells of how the author embarked on the same journey as the famous Ernest Shackleton. Eighty years after Shackleton, Wheeler weaves together her own experiences on the ice, linked with the grueling advetures of Antarctica's most mythic figures.