Our next book discussion book will be Wuthering Heightsby Emily Bronte. Please sign up at the Adult Reference Desk to receive a copy of the discussion book and join us on Thursday, February 21, 7 - 8 p.m. in the Open Room downstairs.
Over the last year, we've started two adult book discussion groups at the Riverhead Free Library. One group focuses on fiction, the other on non-fiction (true stuff!). Here are some of the non-fiction titles we've discussed:
The Adult Reference Department is starting this blog so we can let you know about our programs and recommend favorite books and other library materials. Please stop back often to learn more!
This blog was created so we can let you know about our programs and recommend favorite books and other library materials. Please stop back often to learn more! To get a personalized recommendation list suited to your taste, e-mail us at: rflref@suffolk.lib.ny.us